Lerne deine Stärken und Schwächen kennen

Die wohl häufigste Frage bei Bewerbungsgesprächen ist "Wo liegen Ihre Stärken/Schwächen?" . Die Beantwortung ist aber gar nicht so einfach.

Der NÖ Kompetenzkompass ist ein neues Tool für Jugendliche aus NÖ. Mit nur wenigen Klicks bekommst du eine erste Auswertung der eigenen Stärken und Schwächen, an der du dann weiter arbeiten kannst. Wie das funktioniert, hat sich Eliza genauer angeschaut:

Thinking to apply for an internship or job but don’t know how to represent yourself properly? If you have already finished university or studying now, then you already know how hard it can be when you asked to describe your strengths and weaknesses. 

It takes some time to reflect on yourself and give an answer, right? Reflection is quite good, but unfortunately not enough. Sometimes I just randomly write to my friend like ‘do you think I’m organized enough?’. I do that because I need to hear another opinion, to know how other people see me.  There are some things about us we cannot see or just don’t notice. 

Luckily, these days we have a lot of other tools to identify our soft skills. One of them are tests. It can be used as a preparation before reflection as well. 

Recently, for youngsters in Austria was made an amazing tool called "NÖ Kompetenzkompass"! 

How does it work?

You need to answer 30 questions and then you will get a pdf file with your results! There are four competence fields and on each you would be given a brief explanation about your strengths. These fields are communicative, personal, empowerment and methodological skills. 

How can I use my results?

Every section has a scale and skills above it. On this scale you can see how much its developed. You can get from 0 to 6. For instance, your “decision making skills” has a 5 on the scale that means you able to make decisions quite well. 

You will be also given tips! It’s either how better to demonstrate your strengths or how to improve your weaknesses. 

What if it’s not enough for me?

If you are willing to study or looking for an opportunity to change your speciality but you are not sure what to do next you can visit  https://www.bildungsberatung-noe.at and get a  consultation for free!

Sounds really easy and understandable, right? So, if you need help in identifying your strengths go to https://noe-kompetenzkompass.at/ take a test and get your results! 


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Die Jugend:info NÖ ist Mitglied bei BÖJI (Bundesnetzwerk Österreichische Jugendinfos), ERYICA (European Youth Information and Counselling Agency) und EURODESK, Regionalstelle Erasmus+: Jugend in Aktion.