Citizien Science Award 2021

Schon mal gehört? Eliza erzählt alles Wissenswerte darüber!

Every year across Austria students can take a part in Citizen Science Award. This award has a purpose to encourage young people to contribute to the World of Science.  For your research you can be given money or other prizes as well.  Sounds goods, right? Then read the requirements and make your own research!

What is the Citizen Science Award?

As we already mentioned it’s a research competition for children, young people and adults who are interested in finding the answers to scientific questions. It can be different areas of interest.

This year it has a particular focus on doing research in field of natural phenomena. You can observe animals or plants in Alp's region. Or maybe it’s fossils from Mesozoic era that fascinate you enough to tell the world about it?

You also have a possibility to do your project in humanities and work on German language in Austria. Social sciences are an option as well. Want to invent digital tools to strengthen connection between social classes? Or do you have your own idea? Cool! Don’t hesitate and do it!

Who can take part?

School students and anybody who is interested! From the start of this award there are already 14 000 participants from all over the country.

How does it work this year and when are the deadlines?

The period reserved for the research starts on April 1 and ends on July 9. The award itself is going to happen in the fall 2021.

This year the research can be held from home due to COVID-19. It’s a perfect opportunity to get the most out of your ‘staying at home’ time!

More information about the project topics and other information you can find here:


Kremsergasse 2
3100 St. Pölten

Singergasse 6-8
2700 Wiener Neustadt

T: +43 2742 245 65 (St.Pölten)
T: +43 650 49 58 999 (Wiener Neustadt)

Reguläre Öffnungszeiten:

Info:Lokal St.Pölten
Montag bis Freitag
09:00 – 15:00 Uhr

...und jederzeit nach Vereinbarung:
Telefon: +43 2742 245 65

Info:Lokal Wiener Neustadt
Derzeit nur nach Vereinbarung:
Telefon: +43 650 49 58 999

(Achtung: Die Öffnungszeiten können während Schulferien oder bei Veranstaltungen abweichen!)

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Die Jugend:info NÖ ist Mitglied bei BÖJI (Bundesnetzwerk Österreichische Jugendinfos), ERYICA (European Youth Information and Counselling Agency) und EURODESK, Regionalstelle Erasmus+: Jugend in Aktion.